Wednesday, November 27, 2019
A Comparison Of Pakistani And Indian Space Programmes Politics Essay Essay Example
A Comparison Of Pakistani And Indian Space Programmes Politics Essay Essay Example A Comparison Of Pakistani And Indian Space Programmes Politics Essay Essay A Comparison Of Pakistani And Indian Space Programmes Politics Essay Essay Explain and discourse the infinite plans of India and Pakistan. Highlight the comparative advantages that respective progresss may hold on the conventional battle-space, include an apprehension of existent clip situational consciousness, the flow of information, the cross networking of information in a full spectrum warfare state of affairs for both sides. Discourse the infinite plan s relationship to either state s strategic forces or assets. In relation to the wider planetary community, how either state is doing and viing for power and infinite, such as a regional hegemon, or beyond. The comparings are obvious in this regard as India has the absolute advantage, but explain it with proficient cognition, and strategic foresight. ACRONYMS A ; ABBREVIATIONS CCD Camera Charge-couple Device Camera ASAT Anti-Satellite Gilbert Geographic Information System BMD Ballistic Missile Defence NCRS National Centre for Remote Sensing INCOSPAR Indian National Committee for Space Research R A ; D Research and Development ISP Indian Space Program SLV Space Launch Vehicle Department of state Department of Space SUPARCO Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission ISRO Indian Space and Research Organisation Weapon of mass destruction Weapons of Mass Destruction ISC Indian Space Commission Antiballistic missile Anti-Ballistic Missile PSLV Polar Satellite Vehicle IRS Satellite Indian Remote Sensing Satellite GSLV Geostationary Satellite Launch Vehicle INSAT Indian National Satellite SLV Satellite Launch Vehicle GEO Geosynchronous Satellite Leo Low Earth Orbit ASLV Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle IGMDP Integrated Guided Missile Development Program DRDO Defence Research and Development Organisation IRBM Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile TMD Theatre missile Defense mechanism MIRV Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle IAF Indian Air Force WAPDA Water and Power Development Authority OST Outer Space Treaty PAROS Prevention of Arms Race in Outer Space Introduction Pakistan and India have adequate conventional and WMD firepower to do irreparable harm to each other, therefore any attempts to weaponise their infinite plans will tantamount to insanity-even if both have the economic and proficient musculus for it. The two atomic arms provinces have an adversarial relationship which spans from being cold to being highly hostile. Though both provinces eschew chase of mobilization and weaponization of infinite they will covertly prosecute these purposes for two grounds. Indian strategians cite US-Russian-Chinese infinite competition as a ground for them to follow suit[ 1 ]and this in bend will hold a spin-off consequence for Pakistan. The impression of mobilization of infinite can be farther dissected as militarisation and weaponization . It is a bygone decision that outer infinite has been militarised[ 2 ]chiefly by the infinite faring states. Use of autochthonal and collaborative intelligence assemblage through orbiters, planetary placement systems for missile counsel and mark acquisition and net-centricity through communicating orbiters are a norm and grounds of mobilization of infinite. A usual solace is that the infinite has been militarised but has non yet been weaponized.[ 3 ]It is but a affair of clip that weaponization will besides go on shortly as the major powers, like US, are inextricably dependent[ 4 ]on their infinite based military assets. The bing international norms and pacts to maintain the warfare in the interior infinite of the Earth will be the first casualties if Lashkar-e-Taiba s state America encounters a infinite Pearl Harbour [ 5 ]from an antagonist that destroys some of its orbiters. Hence, no affair what the bing norms, the states with regional and / or planetary security concerns and power aspirations will besides fit the antagonists in infinite based engineerings. US withdrawal from the ABM Treaty by Bush disposal,[ 6 ]Reagan s SDI,[ 7 ]China s successful testing of ASAT arm in 2007[ 8 ]and India s chase of BMD are few illustrations.[ 9 ] Since infinite engineering is largely dual-use, India s peaceable infinite plan has besides served as a alternate to its missile plan.[ 10 ]The grounds to turn out if Pakistan has a pursuit to militarise its modest infinite plan is about non-existent for three grounds. There is small literature on Pakistan s infinite plan and its military facet will otherwise be kept secret. Space plans are cost intensive and given the hapless province of Pakistan s economic system it can be safely assumed that such an aspiration will stay an aspiration at least in the short term. The engineering s dual-use nature shows that advanced nature of Pakistan s missile plan and SUPARCO s research need a political determination and economic supporter to fit India. Pakistan will, nevertheless, start from a place of comparative disadvantage as India has benefited from US, Canada, Russia, France, Germany and Israel in infinite and missile engineering. Such a bilateral infinite race -underway covertly in all c hance will set extra strain on India and Pakistan s economic system, vitiate regional and planetary security environment and farther destabilize the bilateral dealingss the South Asiatic arch challengers. Scope This monograph draws a comparing of India and Pakistan s infinite plans in peaceable and military spheres of the engineerings, how either state is doing in regional and / or planetary power competition and the impact on conventional conflict infinite and full spectrum of warfare. INDIA S SPACE PROGRAM Peaceful Dimension India s infinite policy is to develop feasible infinite engineerings for socio-economic upheaval. The four peaceable aims of its infinite plan are ( 1 ) orbiter based communicating for telecommunication, Television, hunt and deliverance, tele-education, tele-medicine etc. ; ( 2 ) satellite-based remote feeling for resource study, direction, defense mechanism, security and environmental monitoring ; ( 3 ) meteoric applications ; and ( 4 ) development and operationalization of autochthonal orbiter and launch vehicles for supplying infinite services.[ 11 ] Administration and Development India s infinite plan can be divided in to two developmental phases. In 1960s it set up an administrative model and gained experience with simple projectile operations such as sounding rockets-that carry light warheads such as scientific experiments into and beyond the ambiance ( 100-300 km heights ) .[ 12 ]Initial low-tech infinite operations commenced in the early 1960s, ISRO was formed to organize these activities in 1969, and the Indian DOS was established in 1972. ISRO is portion of the DOS. Coordination between ISRO and other space-related bureaus is politically carried out through the ISC, which reports to the Prime Minister s office. The latter stage of the first phase of India s infinite plan chiefly experimental, low capableness undertakings that allowed Indian scientists to derive experience in the building and operation of orbiters an launchers-ISRO built Bhaskara Earth observation orbiters and the Ariane Payload Experiment communicating orbiter. SLV-3 projectile, which resembled US s Scout projectile, trials were done between 1979 and 1983.[ 13 ] ANTRIX: Antrix Corporation Limited, ISRO: Indian Space Research Organization, SCL: Semiconductor Laboratory, NE-SAC: North Eastern Space Applications Center, NARL: National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, PRL: Physical Research Laboratory, NRSA: National Remote Sensing Agency, IISU: ISRO Inertial System Unit, DECU: Development and Educational Communication Unit, MCF: Maestro Control Facility, RRSSCs: Regional Remote Sensing Service Centers, ISTRAC: ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network, LEOS: Lab for Electro-Optic System, SAC: Space Applications Center, ISAC: ISRO Satellite Center, LPSC: Liquid Propulsion System Center, VSCC: Vikram Sarabhai Space Center, SDSC: Satish Dhawan Space Center. In the 2nd phase was launched in mid-1980s and involved edifice of more powerful PSLV-that was used to establish IRS orbiter. It was followed by GSLV that launched INSAT, which is a meteoric and telecommunications platform. After GSLV s 2001 trial flight India s infinite plan has emerged to rank as the universe s 5th most advanced plan if such GEO capableness.[ 14 ] Technology Transfer and Foreign Assistance Besides engineering transportations, Indian scientists like Abdul Kalam and Homi Bhaba received preparation at NAS that helped India in developing and proving sounding projectiles and SLVs. ISRO s solid fuelled infinite launch projectiles based on the American supplied Scout projectiles were used as the first phase of Agni.[ 15 ]Agni s IRBM plan owes its generation to the adaptation of civilian infinite engineering and generous proficient aid provided by the Soviet Union, the US, France and Germany since the origin of India s Space Research Program in 1962.[ 16 ] DRDO s 1970s Devil short scope missile plan was a contrary technology and version of Soviet supplied SA-2 SAM.[ 17 ]India s dialogues to get Russian S-300 ABM system were nt successful and former declined American offer of Patriot-II ABM systems and have shown involvement in Patriot-III alternatively.[ 18 ]India besides received active Israeli cooperation in copying their Elbit ABM system and calling it as AXO-but the said system s being and claimed success is shrouded in enigma.[ 19 ] In the early 1990s, Russia provided some cryogenic projectile engines to India for its GSLV plan. France besides offered aid in development of cryogenic engines. French besides assisted Indians in developing Centaure sounding projectiles and in liquid propulsion engineerings. India was besides allowed to construct Viking projectiles under licence. Germany s aid was the most important because it continued even after it joined MTCR in 1987. Germans assisted India in counsel mechanism, projectile testing, Motorola processors related package and usage of composite stuffs ; which was diverted to military usage. Satellite Launch Vehicle Capability India s SLVs have progressed from SLV-3, 35 kilogram warhead and 300 kilometers altitude LEO, to GSLV with 2,500 kilograms warhead and 36,000 kilometer GEO. They are developing 200-ton solid fuel engine and a 20-ton cryogenic engine for more powerful GSLVs that would hold greater warhead capablenesss. The SLV plan has met failures too-only five out of eight ( 62 % ) SLV-3 and ASLV launches were successful, while four out of five ( 80 % ) of PSLV launches have been successful.[ 20 ] Missile Program and MIRV Capability India has created a turning substructure, aˆÂ ¦ for the use of infinite engineering and assets in infinite for aˆÂ ¦ diverse sectors aˆÂ ¦ India is, hence, committed to the peaceable chase of infinite engineering and to continue outer infinite aˆÂ ¦ entirely for peaceable utilizations. We portion the concerns about the dangers of deployment of arms in the outer infinite and believe that this will non be in our corporate involvement. -Statement by Jayant Prasad, PRI to CD, Geneva February 2, 2006 India s missile plan partly overlaps with, while being partially distinct from, India s infinite from. In July 1983, New Delhi embarked upon an IGMDP. The IGMDP[ 21 ]was ab initio allocated a budget of US $ 130 million and by 1994 US $ 275 million to develop SLV-3. Agni missile straight derived from the Indian infinite plan s SLV-3.[ 22 ]Missile scientist Abdul Kalam, who headed the SLV-3 undertaking at ISRO, moved to DRDO to direct India s missile plan with a twelve scientists-thus profiting military from purely scientific plan. Later Agni-2 s solid fuel 2nd phase was built by ISRO. Despite being more powerful than SLV-3, India s subsequent orbiter launchers, the ASLV and PSLV, have non found direct applications as ballistic missiles as ballistic missiles. Agni is light and hence more movable ; it provides for an ideal IRBM system. The ASLV and PSLV theoretically have a 4,000 and 8,000 kilometer scope, severally, and would convey China s heartland within scope when launched from sec ure launch sites in East and Central India. Yet it would be hard to deploy ASLV and PSLV as faculty, truck- or rail-mounted missiles because of their big diameter strap-on supporters. Furthermore, these projectiles are highly heavy and have a hapless push to burden ratio. Development of subsequently long scope versions of Agni addressed these issues. India already possesses inchoate capablenesss to MIRV its missiles, but this does non intend that it can instantly procure a fully fledged capableness, because there are a scope of [ proficient ] conditions that would impact its development of MIRV engineering.[ 23 ]Given the double usage nature of infinite engineering, the increased civilian infinite cooperation between the US and India will ensue in transportation of engineering that may convey integrating and bringing capablenesss warheads into India s armory.[ 24 ] The developments in last 10 old ages show[ 25 ] such as a series of successful orbiter launches and January 2000 successful launch and recovery mission of the Space Recovery Experiment capsule validate that India has critical enabling engineering necessary for the research and development of a MIRV capableness.[ 26 ] Satellite Reconnaissance India achieved a moderate orbiter reconnaissance capableness with 23-meters declaration in 1980s in the seeable and near-infrared set, allowing the sensing of big military installings.[ 27 ]However, since 1995 the IRS series of orbiters, which can bring forth 5.8-meter declaration imagination, are in orbit. In 2001 India launched a Technology Experiment Satellite to a 568 kilometer orbit ; its one-meter declaration panchromatic camera with two-to-three-day repetition rhythm provided utile reconnaissance capablenesss.[ 28 ]These promotions will heighten Indian mark acquisition and battle capablenesss and can besides be integrated in to their BMD system.[ 29 ]There is touchable advancement towards supplying secure and dedicated communicating links to the Indian military. For case, IAF is likely to establish its ain orbiter by terminal 2010.[ 30 ] C3Capabilities India s communications orbiters have some military capablenesss but have non had specifically designated military maps. INSAT are non optimum for military operation because of their inappropriate frequence scope and its frequence sets can be easy jammed.[ 31 ] Budget Allotment India has spent about US $ 4 billion plus on infinite plan in last one decennary.[ 32 ]The following table gives inside informations of disbursement between 2002 and 2008.[ 33 ] Areas 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 INSAT operational 172 114 100 108 114 122 Space Technology 261 330 401 403 431 587 Space Applications 51 56 65 82 91 103 Space Sciences 16 21 40 38 67 78 Administration and other plans 14 16 15 34 46 71 Entire US $ ( Million ) approx. 524 537 621 665 749 961 BMD Shield Pursuit of missile defense mechanism system has direct deductions on nature of infinite plan. Contrary to their earlier stance, Indian leading welcomes US determination to aˆÂ ¦ This displacement in stance and subsequent assorted statements clearly corroborate the bing grounds of chase of BMD system. India s involvement in missile defense mechanism dates back several old ages, though the chief focal point is on TMD.[ 34 ]In India US NMD is seen as straight impacting its national security in different ways. India perceives menace to its fatherland from short-range and intermediate-range missiles and BMD shield provides the solution.[ 35 ] In July 2000, Indian Defence Minister was critical of US NMD and considered it debatable in future[ 36 ]and a hebdomad subsequently gave an ambivalent response-saying that though NMD may change planetary atomic balance, it would non impact India s atomic plan.[ 37 ] India and Israel successfully negotiated incorporating the engineering of Akash and the Arrow-2, and besides the Rajendra radio detection and ranging with the Arrow-2 s Green-pine radio detection and ranging, which can track a missile from a distance of 300 kilometers.[ 38 ] Geostrategic Deductions India and Pakistan seemingly eschew the impression of the mobilization of infinite as it may take to dominance by some, an weaponries race and asymmetric responses by others. Like its instance to legalize the atomic arms plan, India will play the China card for prosecuting missile defense mechanism plan therefore fuelling a infinite race. Some Indian bookmans consider China s 2007 ASAT trial as a destabilising incident that can potentially get down a infinite race in Asia.[ 39 ] Future historiographers may good see Beijing s usage of a missile to destruct an old conditions orbiter as holding more permanent planetary impact than the Iraq war, commented International Herald Tribune on January 21, 2007 and similar concerns were raised by other sections of media.[ 40 ] The linkage is non China specific merely but the Indian strategic civilization takes a planetary position on security. America s continued qualitative and quantitative build-up entails expanded arsenal, multiple-warhead ( MIRVed missiles ) , and the acceptance of an watchful position. Consequently, Indians would comprehend such a alteration threatening and a build-up would get down, followed by a response from Pakistan-thus triping regional instability. Some American critics echo similar positions.[ 41 ]American indians argue that a China antagonised by American missile defense mechanism may pull even closer to Pakistan and speed up strategic cooperation with it.[ 42 ] In August 1999, India announced a bill of exchange atomic philosophy that declared that its atomic forces would be based on a three and that space-based and other assets shall be created to supply early warning, communications, [ and ] damage/detonation appraisal for this force.[ 43 ]This bill of exchange philosophy was updated in 2003 by another papers which shows that Delhi has been prosecuting many of the engineerings required for a atomic force that are already going available through the state s infinite plan.[ 44 ] India s infinite assets were developed for economic intents but have found some ( and offer the potency for farther military applications. The infinite applications that India developed in 1980s and 1990s could hold been purchased at a somewhat higher cost from international market-but it offers long term economic and technological benefits. The slightly limited capablenesss of India s infinite assets compared to those of the universe s major space-faring bureaus restrict New Delhi s public presentation and international fight but do non significantly take away from its modest economic, political, and military public-service corporation. India s infinite assets are now sufficiently advanced to heighten its atomic hindrance and strategic capablenesss. These technological promotions could good co-occur with, and farther facilitate, India s outgrowth as a major participant in the Asia-Pacific[ 45 ]in the short term. India s SLV plan and its other infinite assets provide New Delhi with a satellite-based reconnaissance and communications capableness. Such beforehand infinite capablenesss, combined with the modernization of India s conventional forces and the development of its atomic forces, can significantly act upon the strategic relationship between India, Pakistan and China-thus making broader security deductions for the Asia-Pacific part. It can be argued that presenting orbiters in to revolve make non necessitate the same truth that is needed in a MIRV but it can non be denied that India is doing betterments even if these are modest. The challenge faced by the Indian atomic scientists and missile applied scientists is to develop thermo-nuclear arms with miniaturised payloads and strong-small-lightweight missiles to present these. While development of missiles can go on unnoticed, proving thermonuclear arms will trip tit-for-tat response from Pakistan and has deductions for successful decision of CTBT that US will non wish to be derailed. The Pakistani response to American NMD and to the Indian involvement in missile defense mechanism has been negative. At the Cadmium in Geneva, former Foreign Secretary Inamul Haq argued that the creative activity of shields would do others to better their spears, which could rise tensenesss between major powers, endanger the planetary strategic balance and turn back the disarming clock. [ 46 ]The Pakistani position is in agreement with the Domino theory on NMD, which springs from a MAD-based perceptual experience that one adult male s missile defense mechanism is another s first-strike exposure. Brigadier ( R ) Naeem Salik noticing on BMD system s radioactive dust on non-proliferation wrote: The 2nd cause of concern for Pakistan is the possibility that, in position of the tarriance differences over BMD systems between US-Russia on the one manus and US and China on the other, there is a existent danger of perturbing the whole construction of the international nonproliferation government with obvious negative impact on the international security and stableness. Already these differences have brought to a practical arrest the advancement on the ongoing pact dialogues at the Cadmium at Geneva. In this respect we see the acceptance of a consultative attack to contract down the differences with the critics of the strategy, as is apparent from President Bush s dictum of May 1, 2001, as a positive development. Pakistan can merely trust that China s legitimate security concerns would be addressed before a concluding determination on deployment is taken by the US.[ 47 ] PAKISTAN S SPACE PROGRAM Vision On February 3, 2005 President Pervez Musharraf gave a vision statement for the SUPARCO during a visit to its Headquarters ( HQ ) . He envisioned SUPARCO to develop the capableness to do and establish different types of orbiters particularly communications orbiters, remote feeling orbiters, conditions orbiters, and so orbiters that would run into the demands of national security . He expressed the demand for autochthonal orbiter launch vehicles ( SLVs ) , gave a mark of 10-15 old ages to set a adult male in infinite and on the Moon and drawn-out authorities s full support.[ 48 ] Administration and Development[ 49 ] SUPARCO is the national infinite bureau of Pakistan and it was established in 1961 upgraded to the position of Commission in 1981 with the intent of peaceable geographic expedition and applications. SUPARCO is devoted to Research and Development ( R A ; D ) in infinite scientific discipline and infinite engineering for peaceable utilizations of outer infinite and socioeconomic upheaval of the state. Pakistan has developed three orbiters so far: Badr-1, Badr-B and Paksat-1. Badr-1 was Pakistan s first indigenously developed orbiter launched in 1990 on-board a communicating bundle to show the engineering. Badr-B was a indigenously built experimental orbiter launched in December 2001. It has four experimental warheads on-board i.e. CCD camera, storage and forwarding experiment, dosemeter and battery-end-of-charge sensing. Paksat-1, was a communicating orbiter, leased, relocated and parked at 380 East slot with the primary aim to protect the lone slot left for Pakistan in infinite to safeguard it strategic involvements. It has 30 C-and transponders on-board. FTR: Flight Test Scope IS: Industrial Services Information technology: Information Technology Seaborgium: Satellite Ground Station SPARCENT: Space Research Center IRS: Ionospheric Res Station SPARC: Sp App Res Center Spars: Sp App Res Station STW: Space Technology Wing SEW: Space Electronicss Flying SARW: Space Applications A ; Res Wing R A ; IW: Range A ; Instrumentation Wing IST: Institute of Space TechnologyNational Satellite Development Program The National Satellite Development Program ( NSDP ) comprises a communicating orbiter ( Paksat-1R ) to replace the bing leased orbiter, two remote feeling orbiter systems ( RSS-1 and 2 ) with lower limit 2.5m declaration and human resource development for the plan. The 1000 kilogram Paksat-1R is scheduled to be launched by May 2011 with a commissioning and operation scheduled in June 2011. The orbiter will hold a life span of 15 old ages and will be launched in geostationary orbit. It will run in C and Ku frequence sets for domestic coverage chiefly and will hold footprint coverage over Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, western China, Meleagris gallopavo, Syria, Jordan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Oman, Myanmar, Eretria and parts of Europe. SUPARCO s future communicating orbiter plans include PAKSAT-1R, PAKSAT-2R, PAKSAT-FR, PAKSAT-DR and PAKSAT-ER in C, Ku and Ka bands. Its meteoric plan includes polar orbiting and geostationary orbiters. In a four phased plan they plan to shoot 200 kg orbiters at 600-1000 kilometers height, followed by two phases of 500-800 kilogram orbiters and 1 ton and above orbiters. In the last stage, SUPARCO plans will establish 1 ton category orbiters of up to 36000 kilometer scope. In house Satellite Design and Development SUPARCO is actively prosecuting know-how in satellite development plan through design and development of a proto-type Remote Sensing Satellite-1 ( PRSS-1 ) that will be an electro-optical mission with a high declaration warhead. The orbiter will be launched in sun-synchronous orbit at 700 km height. Remote Sensing and GIS SUPARCO is prosecuting satellite distant feeling applications plans and have a orbiter land having station in Islamabad. The station acquires and disseminates SRS informations, provides proficient aid, conducts commercial undertakings, offers preparation and consultancy services and develops customised package and offers GIS database development. Satellite Ground Station, Islamabad s acquisition zone is shown on opposing map. The RS-GIS is involved in multiple undertakings that include national land usage program, appraising and function of Indus river inundation field, mapping Rhizophora mangle woods along the seashore of Pakistan, monitoring watercourses, GIS for Pakistan State Oil, harvest monitoring, dams site choice for WAPDA and route location of Chaman Kandahar railroad line for Pakistan railroads. Deductions of Pakistan s Space Program Four factors explain Pakistan s modest infinite plan and India s border in infinite engineering. One, economic jussive moods made infinite plan cost prohibitory. Two, unlike India, Pakistan s plan has suffered from weak scientific support base. Three, West s engineering denial attack weaponries trade stoppages and multi-layered and multi-faceted countenances earnestly impeded even the peaceable chase of infinite engineering. Finally, even if latter issues were surmountable, Pakistani leading likely valued its duties of the OST and the norms of PAROS worth maintaining. Otherwise, Pakistan could hold chosen to follow the attack it took for its atomic arms plan. As referred to above, Pakistan will be forced to develop autochthonal reconnaissance orbiters to augment its conventional defense mechanism capablenesss that hinge on keeping a believable minimal atomic hindrance. Amongst the states known to hold existent or possible ballistic missile development plans, India and Israel are rated as the most advanced in the Fieldss of infinite and missile engineerings. Pakistan has, in the last decennary or so, made considerable progresss in this field, and has acquired a proven missile capableness with the successful testing and initiation of a assortment of ballistic missiles and more late a sail missile.[ 50 ] Decision A comparative analysis of India and Pakistan s infinite plans reveals that India has a definite border in infinite engineering that Islamabad is easy seeking to fit. The mobilization and eventual weaponization of infinite will further corrupt the regional and planetary security environment at great economical cost. Since India links its military facet of infinite plan to US-Russia-China infinite competition, the latter will hold to do believable advancement towards CBMs and esteeming OST and PAROS. Pakistan s effort to come in the infinite race is linked to its care believable minimal atomic disincentive with India and like its atomic arms plan ; Pakistan will come in the nine instead covertly and reluctantly.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Strained Relations essays
Strained Relations essays With over 60,000 Canadians who died fighting in the war, the price of the war was devastating to our country. What started in a war resulted in us getting independence and sovereignty in Canada. With many strained relations during the war, was the outcome worth it? Things such as racism and discrimination were big problems during the war. With so many different cultures and religious people in Canada, there were problems and drastic actions during the war. Even though a different colour or race, people still wanted to help Canada in the war, but we didnt allow that. Many thousands were turned down when they signed up to go to war, and even donations werent accepted from people of different race. People who were of a race of Germanys alliance were treated horribly by many people and were then sent to camps. These people lost their homes, and sometimes family just because there from that region and thought to be spies. With all the racism people still tried to help by giving money, participating in government bonds and stamps, and helping do the jobs the men once did. In the end, other races got respect because they never gave up in helping in the war. Also, there was much less discrimination against people for how they look or speak. Many people werent allowed to vote just because they spoke a different language, werent of a British background, or just because they didnt have any relatives fighting in the war. With these laws, not everyone got their word and opinion in what should happen with Canada in the future. Even women werent allowed to vote. Almost everyone tried to help in the war by taking on jobs they dont normally do and helping the army by making things they need. Even in doing these things, they werent given the right to vote until the near end. Due to the participation of everyone many people had the right to vote by the end of the war including women. ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Google's market marketing & strategy in the UK Essay
Google's market marketing & strategy in the UK - Essay Example The concept of resource-based management is founded on the belief that competitive advantage is obtained if a firm can obtain and develop resources which enable it to learn faster and apply its learning more effectively than its rivals. Resource-based view was developed by Barney (1991) who states that firms' competitive advantage deepens upon resources and assets owned by the company. Following Barney (1991) resources are extended if they are: "Valuable (when they enable a firm to conceive or implement strategies that improve its efficiency or effectiveness) Rare (valuable firm resources possessed by large numbers of competing firms cannot be sources of either a competitive advantage or a sustainable competitive advantage) Imperfectly Imitable (because of {a combination of} three reasons: unique historical conditions, causally ambiguous, social complex). Non-Substitutable (there must not be strategically equivalent valuable resources that are themselves either not rare or imitable)" (Resource-Based View 2000). The case of Google UK shows that the company uses resource-based strategy which helps it to develop strategic capability (Fill 12). Similar to its parent company, valuable resources of Google UK allow the company to meet high demands of customers and deliver exceptional quality to end consumers. Google in particular seems to have already undertaken a number of major initiatives such as the indexing of PDF documents, or the purchase of the Deja newsgroup archive. But the reality is that individual search engines do not cover the whole of the visible web, let alone the invisible web. So the prospect of there being a single search engine which has complete coverage of the entire web is some way off. Another variable is dynamic databases (Google: case study 2006). These databases allow users to go directly onto that site in order to perform the search. These databases cover a wide range of different file formats such as free text databases, company directories, market research reports, numeric data or bibliographic information. Even the free text databases vary considerably in their formats. They may each contain a different set of fields or segments. Because the database formats vary so much, and also because of the fact that there are so many different databases, it is not possible to undertake a global search across the entire contents of all the databases available through Google. There are a number of file groups set up which allow cross file searching across a limited number of files, but a key factor in performing a successful and effective search on (Google: case study, 2006). Rare resources of Google are human resources and technological solutions. Also, Google propose customers unique services such as geographic monitoring and Google Video. Service quality is closely connected with Human Resource Management, technology and settings. So, the main "focus" is on service quality and skills of employees which ensure customers satisfaction. Managers must deal with new people issues because the changes brought about by technology definitely require a new kind of employee. The use of technology requires more problem solving skills and the ability to interpret data and is thus likely to lead to a
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